Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I KNOW what you're thinking, roflamo - but this is NOT that kind of post :-) Actually, it's something I stumbled across doing updates for my marketing classes and it stole my heart! So, of course, I had to share it with you.

It began as a wonderful concept:

What's a Dirty Wow Wow? It's the shabby stuffed toys and blankies you clung to and treasured from childhood, with nicknames like "Fuzzy Wuzzy," "Night Night," "Huggie," "Dup Dup," and yes, "Dirty Wow Wow."

Which led to the book....

Ten Speed Press celebrates these well-loved friends of childhood in the book Dirty Wow Wow, a touching, sweet, and funny collection of photos and stories.

But the best part of all is the online gallery of submissions (once you've clicked the link here, scroll down the opening page - and there are several pages of submissions). I'd be hard pressed to say if I found myself more drawn in by the images or by the stories ~ each so similar yet unique. Best of all was the chance to see a gathering of images and words showing & sharing 'the soft side' of humanity.

(And yes, I have my very own 'dirty wow wow' - she's a rabbit - care to see an image)? :-) PS she looks as bad as some of the other 'contestants', (but I'm happy to say she looks far BETTER than many of the 'blankets' lol...


  1. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Hey, girlfriend! Both of my daughters have blankets. The one in grad school right now called her Baby Dior (soft as silk) blanket her "woom." Once, in Sibley's, she yelled, "I left my woom in the car!!" When she gave hers up at about age 4, I tucked it away to use as "something old" someday. The youngest (age 9) still sleeps with her Winnie-the-Pooh quilt my Mom gave her for her first Christmas. Hers is known as "binkie" and is getting thinner every day. Right now a corner is patched with a pink bandana that belonged to her sister. There may not be much left to save for her shower gift someday, but it is one very well loved "binkie."

  2. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Hey lady! Love the post, I never knew your Dirty Wow Wow was/is a rabbit. Believe it or not mine is a rabbit also, his name is Eggbert and due to a botched surgery in his first year, he has only one ear in the center of his head:) Love him, just recently (the last 5 years) put him on a shelf and didn't sleep with him every night. Miss you tons, keep the great posts coming. I love keeping up with your random thoughts this way!
