Friday, March 07, 2008


Yeah yeah, I know you know: I'm working on the new website....

Website, website, website.

Yadda yadda yadda. Website. Yadda yadda yadda....

But today as I was working, going over my notes of commonly found pages on websites these days I found a note I'd made: TESTIMONIALS ~ followed by a note that
said 'RECOGNITIONS'. In short course I found myself laughing (at me of course).

For certain the only thing I'm currently & routinely 'RECOGNIZED' for is being insane. Funny maybe. Ecclectic - probably.

If I were to create such a page to add to the website it would be a very empty page. Which led me to thinking about WHY people create, what they need/desire from it. I've never submitted my work to the competitive arena as it's been perfectly fulfilling for me to have it desired by my buyers (thank you!)

I've only been published (magazine) once - in a feature about women in glass. Is that RECOGNITON'? lol Needless to say (tho I'm saying it anyway) I don't think that will be a page on the new website. So there it is - I'm RECOGNITION-LESS.

On the other hand, I've never been 'recognized' in any of the wanted posters at the post office either, so I guess recognition-less-ness isn't all bad is it?! :-)


Now if you have any TESTIMONIALS about me as a beadmaker, beadmaking teacher, jewelry designer, writer, or human being, lol SEND THEM TO ME puulleeeeaaaseee!?!!
That IS a page I'm going to add (which hopefully won't be empty! :-) Now for the wise arses that I love among you - read on.... *I will read and cherish them all - (but I will reserve the option to edit any true (but embarassing, lol) comments/class stories ....

1 comment:

  1. I can always send you my bead shrine pix again to you... If that doesn't let people know you are a fantabulous bead maker, then they are just stoopid! hee hee
    How are you doing?
