Wednesday, May 04, 2011

No Different Yet Special

You are, by all definition, a handful of bulbs
A tiny smattering of the millions if not billions
That each Spring, past present and future
Awake from the earth to 'be'..

Each of you here with me is like your sisters
Inhabiting countries, islands, states, cities, towns
Your existance is linked to pots, plots and windowboxes
Of warming earth

You, each of you, who I think of as 'mine'
Are no different than your sisters
Heads raised to the faltering returning
Gentle Spring Sun
No different
Yet Special

I remember the day I found each of you
I was with my Mum at a big box store

I recall the sign that proclaimed your value
was designated by retail to be no more than 50 cents each
I was saddened and annoyed that they valued you so little

I was brokenhearted to hear the plan was to trash each of you
who went 'unpurchased'
by that weeks end...

I smile remembering my mother at my side
Helping me place as many of you into my cart as we could fit
Saving as many of you as the budget would allow
(I whispered a sad word of apology to those I could not save)

Driving home, she and I talked of gardens, of growth, of time
And in the coming days I planted you, one by one
In half frozen earth covering you with thatch to hide you
(a tiny bit)
from grazing hungry searching deer

Fragments of memory
Moments of time
Frozen in my soul
That come alive each Spring
Along with your return

You are no different
Than your millions, billions, zillions
Of sisters over the world,
thru ever returning Springs

But you are special
You who I think of

FDFerris 2011

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