Friday, February 27, 2009


Most times these days the headlines are vexing. And while this online article isn't good news (link below) I have to admit it made me laugh. You know, laugh in that insane-hag-you've-got-to-be-kiddin'-me-is-this-for-real-sort-of-way.

I don't think I've laughed in quite that fashion since I came across a proposal to tax ranchers/farmers for cow farts. (This gem of proposed fart legislation was conceived in the US).

.Photo credit

The premise for this proposed 'fart-tax' was based on the thought that cows everwhere are contributing to to pollution via their gas passing....

Poor cows.
Poor ryanair passengers.
Poor insane world.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Old Ways

It may seem that the 'old ways' of things are a lot of work. That's because they were and are still, lol. But as is often the case the rewards are profound. Take my buddy COALBY - our first foray into coal heat. Many (many) years ago DH and I burned wood and in fact we cut our own wood - believe it or no, I'm pretty good as one half of a two man logging saw - but that's another story, lol.

But honestly when the desire to supplement the furnace came around again last year I had to admit I have arrived at a point where I no longer wanted to cut wood, haul wood, split wood. I love burning wood - the smell, the soothing crackling sound. But the work of cutting, hauling, splitting remained fresh in my mind. So as an experiment we adopted our coal stove COALBY. (yes I name EVERYthing, lol).

He's warm, he's cheerful, he's my new best-heat-friend. The only time he vexes me is on 'cleaning day' (my job) - Just for the amusement factor you've come to expect from me :-) I've included a pic of me on COALBY CLEANING DAY - sans hat and goggles and gloves (good mask is under the bandana). I'd have shown you the full regalia but I wanted to give you a laugh, not a heart attack or seizure, lol

So there you have it - a bit of February news from the Upstate NY homefront...